Padangbai Port Transport Service, Comfortable & Arrived Safely

padangbai port transport
Padangbai Port Transport

Padangbai Port Transport Service

Padangbai Port transport is the right choice for those of you who don’t want to be crammed into free transportation from fast boat operators.
After a long crossing from Gili to Bali for about 2 hours, by using this service, you can enjoy the comfort of a private car without anyone else at a reasonable price to the next destination, such as the airport or the next hotel and villa.

An experienced and friendly driver will be happy to take you to your next destination safely and comfortably and will definitely provide the best service for you.

They will be waiting at the arrival terminal and can be identified by bringing the nameplate of the passenger they are going to pick up. The driver will bring your luggage to the parking lot.

Padangbai Transport Cost

AreaPrice (IDR)
Sanur/ Sidemen350.000
Legian, Seminyak400.000
Nusa Dua, Uluwatu, Ungasan500.000
Ubud Center400.000
North Ubud450.000
Price is subject to change without any prior notice –

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